Black has pushed h7-h6, and the bishop on g5 is en prise. Where should White move his bishop?
With b6, Spassky has opted for the Tartakower-Makagonov-Bondarevsky variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined. What should White play here?
What should White play? This is an interesting moment in the game.
It seems Black has solved all his problems here with the move c7-c5. The knight can now develop on d7, the rooks will then be connected, and all will be good. So, What did White play here to keep the pressure going?
With Bb5, White now seems to be in the driver's seat. A crunch moment for Black. What is the best move?
What will you do here as White? Fischer played an uber-cool move here. Let's see if you can do the same!
Nf6 would have been the best move for Black. Spassky played Qf8 instead. What did Fischer play here? Careful, the knight on d4 is en prise!
And what did Fischer play now? There's a little tweak he found that gives his minor piece on e2 a surprising impetus.
White to play. Fischer has kept everything under control so far but now it's time to strike!
Black is striving to survive... but Fischer played a punishing move here. Can you find it too?